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파이널 강좌


홍삼영 2005.05.26 17:32 조회 수 : 469

지금 우리 앞에는 국가적으로 중요한 몇 가지 현안이 있다. 이런 중요한 일을 논의할 때는 대의명분과 실리적인 측면에서 그 손익을 면밀히 잘 살펴보아야 한다. 다음에 주어진 네 개의 제시문은 명분과 실리의 측면에서 한국군 이라크 추가 파병과 관련된 다양한 찬반 논의를 보여주고 있다.

1. 각각의 제시문에서 주장하는 내용을 요약하면서 그 유사점과 차이점을 구체적으로 논하시오. (명분과 실리, 찬성과 반대의 측면에 초점을 맞출 것)
2. 한국군 이라크 추가파병에 대한 자신의 견해를 논술하시오. (각 제시문에 포함된 찬반 논점에 대한 구체적인 반박 또는 지지 주장을 포함할 것.)
<제시문 A>
Already in question, President George W. Bush's justification for war in Iraq has suffered another major setback. An independent commission threw cold water on the administration's insistent claims of a link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida. It said there was no evidence Iraq and al-Qaida had a collaborative relationship. That comes on top of the administration's failure to find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Both ideas had been central ingredients of Bush's rationale for invading.

<제시문 B>
Mr. Sun-Il Kim's death is only the beginning of another reel. What will follow is more South Korean casualties, then another call for additional troops, then more deaths. Our government keeps talking about the national interest, but what does that mean? It is said that terror attacks on Koreans will continue as the nation will become the third largest coalition partner in Iraq after the United States and Britain once the deployment is complete.

<제시문 C>
Recent events suggest that the United States and South Korea are acting more like allies again, reflecting in their decisions a greater sensitivity for their partner's interests. The United States welcomes Korea's support in coping with the reconstruction needs of a beleaguered Iraq; South Korean authorities are equally pleased to see a more accommodating U.S. diplomatic posture toward North Korea. These decisions do not appear to have been linked in any kind of formal *quid pro qua. However, there does seem to have been an implicit tradeoff reflecting the spirit of reciprocity. [*quid pro qua: 'something that is given or done in exchange for something else']

<제시문 D>
The reason has to do with the price a country must pay as it moves from being a "developing country" to a "developed country." The responsibilities are greater. One of those responsibilities is to be an integrated part of the world community. This means not only providing supplies to needy countries, but also sending military forces in order to protect innocent lives. Sending troops at this time is not a statement of support for the U.S. decision to enter Iraq. Our goal is to help rebuild the country and maintain peace by preventing terrorists and other radical groups from taking control of the country and creating a new oppressive totalitarian regime.

※ 유의사항
1) 시험시간은 120분, 분량은 1200자 내외(±100자)로 할 것.
2) 문항번호 1, 2를 답안지에 표기할 것.
3) 문항 1, 2의 채점 비중은 동일함.
4) 원고지에 제목이나 이름, 기타 자신을 드러내는 표기를 하지 말 것.
5) 원고지 사용법과 어문 규정을 지킬 것.
6) 답안은 반드시 흑색 또는 청색 펜으로 작성할 것
