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문제 1. 아래 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

I consider ignorance the primary enemy of mankind.
The worst fool in the world is the man who will admit nothing that he cannot see or feel or taste. And such a fool has no place for imagination or vision or faith.
Man is capable of various kinds of education. He is possessed of physical, social, religious, intellectual, and moral capabilities. Each requires education.
The education of all makes him complete; the education of part only leaves him deficient.
1) 필자가 가장 어리석다고 생각하는 사람은 어떤 유형의 사람인가를 첫째 단락에서 찾아
2) 밑줄 친 문장의 의미를 말하시오.

문제 2. 아래 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

The poets tell us that love makes the world go round and that love conquers all.

But what is this thing called love? Is it passion, affection, or admiration?
Are there various kinds of love? What do they have in common that makes us call

them love? When St. Augustine was asked, 'What is time?' he replied: '
If no one asks me, I know; if I want to explain it to someone who does ask me,

I do not know.' To define love is likewise difficult.

1) 사랑의 감정 중 첫 단락 2행에 나오는 passion, affection, admiration의 차이점을
설명해 보시오.
2) 밑줄 친 문장의 의미를 말하시오.

문제 3. 아래 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

It is clear that we must use science to solve the problems of pollution.
With so many people in the world - and more to come - we cannot close our eyes and hope

that our problems will go away.
There are not, however, enough scientists and engineers working on pollution control.
For many years, workers in pollution control have been laboring in a generally

unrecognized and unrewarded field of study.

1) 필자가 첫 단락에서 (환경) 오염 문제를 해결하는 방안으로 제시하는 것을 말해 보시오.
2) 밑줄 친 문장의 의미를 말하시오.

문제 4. 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 부분의 의미를 말하시오.

Taiwan’s hospital administrators may have learned their lesson - that SARS is not a disease that responds to complacence or concealment.The trouble is, there can be a heavy financial price to pay for honesty.'Administrators don’t want to admit
they have SARS patients because it will mean a dramatic drop in patients coming
their hospital,' says Michael Tai, head of the department of social medicine at
Chungshan Medical University in Tai-chung, 'and that means they will lose money.'

문제 5. 다음 글을 읽고 글의 요지를 말하시오.

Inventors are notorious for failures - the more famous they are the more they know about failure.A great inventor Charles Kettering, inventor of the first electrical

ignition system, used in automobiles, and the first practical engine-driven generator,
suggested that we must learn to fail intelligently. He said, 'Once you’ve failed,
analyze the problem and find out why, because each failure is one more step leading

up to the cathedral of success.'

문제 6. 다음 글을 읽고 우리말로 옮기시오.

The most significant aspect of the PlayStation2 might be its ability to hook into

the Internet, making it a 'Trojan horse' to bring online gaming, e-commerce,
Web browsing, e-mail and downloading of music, software and video into the home.

문제 7. 아래 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Korean traditional music has long been a medium for the expression of the Korean

people’s unique character and emotions. It has a vital role to play in our modern

society, extending from the calm tones of court music to the exciting rhythms
farmers’ music.
The Korean government designated 1994 the Year of Korean Music.
It aimed to teach the younger generation more about their national traditions.

It also aimed to revive a love for those traditions among the older generation.

1) 한국 정부가 1994년을 ‘한국 (전통) 음악의 해’로 지정했던 목적 두 가지를 둘째
단락에서 찾아 말해 보시오.

2) 밑줄 친 문장의 의미를 말하시오.

문제 8. 아래 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

When people talk about the differences between the East and the West, some say
former is 'spiritual' and the latter is 'material'.
Other people describe the West in terms of such characteristics as individualism,

freedom, and competition. On the other hand, they often describe the East in
terms of collectivism and social hierarchy.
Among many differences between the East and the West, one clear difference can
found in the different degree of emphasis on individualism and collectivism.
It has often been pointed out that the West puts much emphasis on individualism,

and the East on collectivism.

1) 동양과 서양의 여러 문화적 차이 중에서 필자가 둘째 단락에서 가장 뚜렷한 (두드러진)
것으로 언급하는것을 말하시오.

2) 밑줄 친 문장의 의미를 말하시오.

문제 9. 아래 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

In some regions of Africa, women are objects of value. From the moment a girl
born the family counts her value as capital. When a white lady had twin daughters

at my hospital, a negro nurse could find nothing better to say to the father than,

'Now you’re a rich man!' From his 16th year the African man seeks
an opportunity to make the money to purchase a wife. To this end, he often leaves

his home and takes a job in a white man’s house. But the price asked for a wife
so high that it would take him ten years to save enough money.

1) 백인 여자가 쌍둥이를 낳았을 때 흑인 간호사가 쌍둥이 아버지에게 한(첫 단락
밑줄 친)말의 이유를 (혹은 문화적 배경을) 첫째 단락에서 찾아 말해 보시오.

2) 둘째 단락 밑줄 친 문장의 의미를 말하시오.

문제10. 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 부분의 의미를 말하시오.

Rumsfeld’s disclaimer aside, the fact is that oil - who has it, who produces it,

who fixes its price - governs everything of significance in the Persian Gulf
and affects economies everywhere.While the Bush Administration has repeatedly

asserted that Iraq’s oil belongs to its citizens - 'We’ll make sure that Iraq’s
natural resources are used for the benefit of their owners, the Iraqi people.'

the President said - the stakes go far beyond Iraq.

문제11. 다음 글을 읽고 글의 요지를 말하시오.

Mass culture is an urban product.Confined to the close spaces of a city, members
an industrial society must always face the disturbing problem of what to do with

their leisure time, how to organize it in relation to their work day.

문제12. 다음 글을 읽고 우리말로 옮기시오.

Learning a new language is greatly different from making a new invention; however,

Johnson’s suggestions can very easily be applied to the language learner.
Johnson suggests that we recognize our failures.The language learner needs to

recognize that they have made a mistake rather than try to hide the fact from

themselves as well as others.
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
21 수시모집 논술고사 분석 결과 - 전국 영어교사모임. News수민 2004.10.13 148
20 [re] [영어논술] 고3특강 자료 파일입니다. [2] 홍삼영 2004.10.03 210
19 [re] [영어논술] 고3특강 자료 파일입니다. [2] 홍삼영 2004.10.03 209
18 회원가입하셔야 클릭해서 내용볼수 있습니다. 상담-강주연 2004.10.01 185
17 회원가입하셔야 클릭해서 내용볼수 있습니다. 상담-강주연 2004.10.01 185
16 [영어논술] 고3특강 자료 파일입니다. [2] 상담-강주연 2004.10.01 197
15 [영어논술] 고3특강 자료 파일입니다. [2] 상담-강주연 2004.10.01 198
14 [05수시1학기] 동국대 학력평가 논술고사 <영어제시문 출제> 이지욱 2004.09.17 149
13 [05수시1학기] 동국대 학력평가 논술고사 <영어제시문 출제> 이지욱 2004.09.17 149
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11 [05수시1학기] 고려대 영어논술 기출문제 이지욱 2004.09.17 261
10 [서울대] 04년 수시기출문제 (자연) - 학업적성평가 홍삼영 2004.09.15 174
9 [서울대] 04년 수시기출문제 (자연) - 학업적성평가 홍삼영 2004.09.15 173
8 [서울대] 04년 구술 기출문제 (인문) 홍삼영 2004.09.15 230
7 [서울대] 04년 구술 기출문제 (인문) 홍삼영 2004.09.15 214
» [단국대] 04년 수시기출문제 - 영어면접고사 [인문계/자연계 공통] 상담실-강주연 2004.09.15 255
5 [단국대] 04년 수시기출문제 - 영어면접고사 [인문계/자연계 공통] 상담실-강주연 2004.09.15 216
4 [05수시2학기대비] 영어논술특강 - 프리젠테이션 <1주차> file 홍삼영 2004.09.15 183
3 [05수시2학기대비] 영어논술특강 - 프리젠테이션 <1주차> file 홍삼영 2004.09.15 181
2 [05수시2학기대비] 영어논술특강 - 프리젠테이션 <4주완성> file 홍삼영 2004.09.14 198